Saturday Night Soup for the Soul (36)
![]() But I've got no place to go. I have spent the past year brooding (and believe me, us Teutonic Aryans know how to brood), not knowing what to do with the rest of my life – if anything – or even if I wanted to live the rest of my life. I just did not know what to do.
I am unsure where the answer came from, how it came, or even when it came. But one morning about three or four weeks ago (a bit after New Year’s) I decided that the meaning of life was “to live” – no more and no less – and that by that alone everything else would fall into place as it was meant to be.
Either a fool’s errand, or an act of 100 percent faith.
![]() I've been looking for some answers, too Now I'm back to change your mind Now I'm moving right in time In a world that's turned unkind I see what's going on behind my back ![]()
his past week has brought the end of a friendship. I let things build up, allowing things to go unanswered. And then came a straw that broke this camels back. And thus, the friend has gone off to seal themselves into the cult of the closed mind and smug soul. How I dislike fucked up religions and the messed up peoples who go into them to spiritually die.
Gracias por todo.
I'm a disco dancer And I keep dancin' on and on (I'm a disco boy I'm a disco boy) Whoa no! I'm a disco dancer, baby But I think there's something's wrong!
(I'm a disco boy I'm a disco boy)
Oh no!
Oh no!
Oh no!
I've been sleeping twenty years or more I remember a long time ago Now I'm moving right in time In a world that's turned unkind I see what's going on behind my back
R. wrote me asking: You spoke of this friend, was he/she a coworker or some sort?
My reply: He - my PR friend across the street. His cycle appears to be: 1. Drinking too much. I have not observed ill effects here - personality wise or in ill judgment on his behalf - but his wife has mentioned it as being an issue and she is rock solid. And then 2. Repeatedly lurching into and out of repulsive religiosity, perhaps to stop drinking too much?. He is in the latter phase. He sent a junk email that was a call to "Hate for Jesus" and that was the straw that made me call him on his behavior, which has ended the friendship. His junk mail was factually and provably untrue with a 20 second Google search. However, he is intellectually lazy and lacking, so that was not going to occur on his end. It debased the ACLU and I am a member of it. So, I chose to call him on it and did it with my usual intensity. Members of his family here lose his number when he is in this phase and he is oblivious to that fact. So I chose the moment and timing of when to confront him. I have already come around to believing that this is what I was supposed to do and knew what the price to me (lost friend) would be. I suppose that I have a need to not be connected to him (and therefore on some level dependent upon him) at this time. There it is! How is that for self-enforced tough love? And I rememeber something offensive he said and did on a few months ago that I did not react to but it really did bother me for days afterwards. I think one of the modern seven deadly sins is malformed deadly religiosity that is based on hate, division, and smugness. American establishment Christianity seems so full of it. Oh old school such as Methodist or Episcopalian isn’t. But, country club big money cult style is horrific and attracts and breeds the worst in humanity. There is not a church on earth that I would surrender to and join. Not one. I am hungry; I hope you are too. Soup’s ready, so let us break bread together, and eat. ![]()
Physically, he resembled Anthony Perkins (yes, Psycho's Tony Perkins, pictured below) cum lounge singer. Bryan Ferry had an incredible and unique voice; he was sort of a wailing crooner. His voice is powerful and delicately nuanced all at once (yes, an oxymoron)
Sea Breezes is an interesting song, almost being two separate songs. The main song contains a lilting melody tinged with sadness. It surrounds the middle song, whose lyrics bluntly describe a post break-up situation the the lyrics of the first song toy with. I had not thought of this song in years, and this past week it drifted into my mind seemingly out of nowhere.
2. Going, Going, Gone This track is by America’s vagabond poet Bobby Dylan, and is found on his 1974 Planet Waves (which was to originally be titled “Ceremonies of the Horsemen”) LP. The song has been described by some writers as a tale of “Suicide Averted”. His performance, backed by the Band, is powerful, and to the point, casting a most pointed and piercing mood that matches the lyrics.
He and the Band went out ![]() on an astounding tour to promote the LP. The tour was the musical event of the entire year 1974 (I was there). This was the time when the incredibly corrupt Richard Milhous Nixon and his gang of henchmen were fighting to avoid having to answer for their crimes committed during Nixon’s Imperial Republican Presidency. Dylan became the symbol of the people’s will during that tour. This tour is where the custom of lighting matches or Bic lighters just before the artist hits the stage originated. These shows were truly tribal gatherings of the counter culture, who went on to force Nixon from office six months later (and later still to morph into the fat, bloated and gassy, intolerant and greedy, Country Club cult christians by the 1990's – but that story will have to wait for a later sermon) .
3. I'm Free
4. Tour de France
5. Disco Dancer
6. Sea Brezes
All of this makes it's way into this week's soup. You can get your bowl of Saturday Night Soup by clicking the jukebox. |
Life will always be there for you, 'til your very last breath...
R. said: You spoke of this friend, was he/she a coworker or some sort?
TB. replied: He - my PR friend across the street. His cycle appears to be:
1. Drinking too much. I have not observed ill effects here - personality or judgment - but his wife has mentioned it. And then
2. lurching to repulsive religiosity, perhaps to stop drinking too much?.
He is in the latter phase. He sent a junk email that was a call to "Hate for Jesus" and that was the straw that made me call him on it which has ended the friendship. And it was factually and provably untrue with a 20 second google search. It debased the ACLU and I am a member of it. So, I chose to call him on it and did it with my usual intensity. Members of his family here lose his number when he is in this phase and he is oblivious to that fact.
So I chose the moment and timing of when to confront him. I have already come around to believing that this is what I was supposed to do and knew what the price to me (lost friend) would be. I suppose that I have a need to not be connected to him (and therefore on some level dependent upon him) at this time. There it is! How is that for self-enforced tough love? And I rememeber something offensive he said and did on January 2nd that I did not react to but it really did bother me for days afterwards.
What I have not mentioned is that I am on a long term partial fast. Down 15 lbs in 3 weeks. Time to quit fucking around and to rapidly morph into a totally new form. That is me. Glacially slow to appear unchanging and then all of a sudden comes a jump to warp-12 and I travel across the galaxy in the blink of an eye. And on a fast as the ice melts all sort of emotions and memories long encased in frozen ice (like the ice age man in the Alps from a decade ago) are suddenly revealed. Such as January 2nd.
I think one of the modern seven deadly sins is malformed deadly religiosity that is based on hate, division, and smugness. American establishment Christianity seems so full of it. Oh old school such as Methodist or Episcopalian isn’t. But, country club big money cult style is horrific and attracts and breeds the worst in humanity. There is not a church on earth that I would surrender to and join. Not one.
Time to finish my ½ gallon of Crystal Lite and take a hot bath and walk 2 fast miles.
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