Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday Night Soup for the Soup (34)

his was to be a totally different Soup. One friend has a detail draft (the "Facebook" draft). Another has the link to the music that was to be ("Be Grateful" et al.) Before I could refine this, the ground began to shift beneath my feet.

First, it morphed in my imagination to the phrase "If you cannot bring Good News, then don't bring any". and the song that lyric comes from.

But tonight, Passover; a night with a jaw dropping sunset setting the waters of Puget Sound on fire with blinding reflected light, as the sun god finally sank behind the purple snow capped Olympic Mountains; the night that I freed myself (and hopefully someone else) from 35 years (1974-2009) of malformed emotions; and finally, the night I cleared the emotional deck, freeing me at last to journey to the undiscovered country of the heart, I will simply bring you all GOOD NEWS.

I won't even tell you what the news is - in words that is. I am far too shy to ever do that. However, I will say it all, in image and music. And those who possess special eyes in their heart will understand it all.

But first...
I could not decide which picture to use, so created a collage with elements of four pictures taken from my back yard this week, In it you see two daffs, red rhododendron strigillosum, rhododendron April Rose, a but if Mugo Pine, and my Flowering Plum.

Above is another spring favorite: the Hyacinth. There few that you see here, fill one half of my back yard with a heavenly sweetness on a warm spring day, as we had on Monday.

And lastly, what is SPRING without Cherry Blossom Pink.

In my previous Soup, I wrote:.

In the deepest darkness, the brightest light is found.

And so it has come to pass.

This week's soup comes from a single piece of music. A song, which is really a medley of four songs, connected. In the final song, the other three songs are reintroduced so that all four are playing simultaneously.

The piece of music closes the 1973 Wings LP Red Rose Speedway. This is the moment where Paul got his mojo back, following the deep depression he sank into following the demise of another band that he used to be a member of, named the Beatles. It was released in April 1973, and is filled with the explosive energy of Spring. It is an extremely happy LP, and was a sign of great and even happier things that lie just around the next bend of the road of life.

The four songs that make up this piece of music are:

  • "Hold Me Tight"
  • "Lazy Dynamite"
  • "Hands of Love"
  • "Power Cut"

There are secret messages behind some of the songs on this LP, including a secret message in this music, which becomes apparent if you know how to listen in "Power Cut". Even the back of the LP contains a Braille secret message reading "Stevie We Love You" referring to Stevie Wonder.

And that is all that I am going to say. Anyway, the music says it all, making words unnecessary.

All of this makes it's way into this week's soup. You can get your 15.2 Mb bowl of Saturday Night Soup by clicking the jukebox.

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