Sunday, August 19, 2012

Wallula Gap

Read about this mystical spot of landscape here.


A Lewis said...

Nice to see you around again. I know this is quite amazing there, eh? Where the river and the train rails run, the wind blows. Love it.

T-Bird said...

Hey, how did you find me? I thought I'd sneak in and out in the middle of the night and go unnoticed. Hope all is well. Cheers.

RIC said...

You are such a big joker, dear Will!... Lol!
Hope everything's going its due course.
Great photos of that marvellous piece of landscape which is Wallula Gap! Had no idea about it!
(I'm quite an ignorant as far as Western USA are concerned... You know that...)
Hugs! :-)

DEREK said...

love this shot, have missed you, can't wait till Sept, but if I have too I will! Huggerz!