"Lafayette Square, Savannah"
This is one of the 21 public squares located throughout the Historic section of downtown Savannah. There are small parks everywhere here, within a block or two of everyone's home. Most of the homes, and the church, in this painting were built in the mid to late 1800s. The home on the far left at center is the Andrew Low home, wealthy "cotton merchant" (which I read as "slave owner") and the former residence of Juliette Low who founded the Girl Scouts.
"Lafayette Square, Savannah"The over-the-top church here is Savannah's most famous, St. John the Baptist, and the yellowish home in the bottom right is the childhood home of Flannery O'Connor. I only know this because the city seems intent on putting wordy bronze plaques everywhere. I've read "Robert E. Lee visited here" in so many plaques; it made me wonder if all he ever did was going around town socializing. No wonder he lost the war! Conspicuously absent in the countless plaques I've seen here, commemorating war heroes and history, is any mention of slavery. Like it never, ever happened. 24" x 30" Acrylic on Canvas
Historically Yours, TONY
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