Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mitt Romney: Four More Demons, Four More Wars in 2012

Here is a most revealing campaign poster from 1938. These people eagerly voted "YES" for "True Strength". History has recorded how things ended for them in 1945.


Tony de Carlo said...

Love it

Anonymous said...

What about the minority who voted against? They were in the wrong place at the wrong time as they suffered the sins of their countrymen, and ended up in Hell, right here on earth.......

Pod said...

how you doing little bird?

Cup said...

Brilliant. Freakin' brilliant.

T-Bird said...

Thanks Beth! Over the top for sure, but I do not trust him. he is too desparate for power and I am an ex LDS so that is another reason I do not trust him: I know what is behind him and it would be like hitler coming to power in 1932 Germany.

Cat of Le Chat Designs said...

Theirs is the triumph of extremist ideology over logic and rational thought. It is fear and hatred enshrined.

T-Bird said...

Yup. The right wing nuts keep trotting out the same evil from generation to generation. They share a common soul disorder.