Friday, April 12, 2013

Signs of Spring (25-29)

Rhododendron Mrs Furnival
Rhododendrons Mrs. Furnival and Yellow PippinRhododendron Wild Affaire

Rhododendron Nelda Peach and Japonicum

Rhododendron Imperial

This is how I will always remember Spring, when all is young, still unblemished and oh so beautiful
Rhopdodendrons Edwin O'Weber
and Scintillation


Cup said...

How lovely! If that were my home, I'd call in sick until July 1.

T-Bird said...

Oh boy. Don't give me any ideas. That sounds wonderful.

A Lewis said...

I can't believe how beautiful these flowers are. they are simply amazing.

Robert said...

What colours you DON'T have!! :-) Amazing!! People must come to your garden just to gawk!!

Anonymous said...

Paisley, argyle, and checkerboard are the colours that are missing in action

Anonymous said...

Wil, thanks again! My mom loved it!

T-Bird said...

robert wrote:
I think bluish/purplish I've seen... green ones? Earlier I saw some lime
colored kangaroo paws.. Brilliant!!

Again, what's for dinner? :-) I guess I'm getting hungry here! Earlier we
went to Denny's! Aren't you grossed out yet? :-)

I wrote:
I have been to Denny's but not in about 10 years,

the green one is called Shamrock, I think. My late sister had one. Very smalls and petite Tony leaves and slow growth.

I have not had fast food in decades. I do not know when I last had one. 1980's? 1970's? Not sure.