Thursday, April 30, 2020

Saturday Night Soup for the Soul (33)

his is the first Soup I have done in a long time. Where have I been? That is a good question, and it deserves an answer. And you will get that answer, I promise, but not necessarily in so many explicit words. At least not this evening. But read and listen and the answer is floating about the atmospherics.

Have you ever really f**ked up a relationship -- even if it was more the other person's fault that your own -- but still contributed more than your own share of bulls**t to virtually poison the ground between the both of you? I have, like most of you reading this. And my parting shot was not an example of me at my best. It was 25 years of unexpressed anger and resentment that come out in a single cri de coeur. Yes, I am one of those -- the text book conflict avoider who finally explodes with a mountain of unexpressed emotion over things that trigger, but do not justify the explosion (see "Adult Child of Alcoholic").

Have you ever wished you could somehow roll back the clock, or have soap opera like cosmetic surgery so that you could come back as a different person and meet the other person in the failed relationship and make a fresh start, or make things better, or even somehow script an epilog so as to wrap things up in a much better manner? Well, I cannot go into details, but unbelievably, I am been given that chance.

I am not looking to prove anything to anyone. I only want to right one of my own historical wrongs. If after that, I then walk away, I can at least do so with a better sense of personal dignity. My parting shot in this relationship is a painful memory point for me. Because I have a strong consciousness, I always want to do the right thing, even if belatedly and under the guise of virtual plastic surgery. Stay tuned.

Well, we had a big ass load of snow in December. It snowed for about 48 hours non-stop. Got stuck on my own property three or four times. Carried a huge 1940's coal shovel turned snow shovel in the boot of my car for ten days. Had to dig myself out several times, and even dig a part to the dentist front door one day. Here is what the front looked like when half the snow had fallen.

I finally remodeled the master bedroom, laid killer super plush wall to wall carpet on the main floor, and moved out of my own basement where I had been living for ten years. It is like having a new home for me. Here is looking out the bedroom window during the snow.

The Back: Got stuck up here several times. I am up in the center window right now writing this.

Well, I must wrap this up. I have included a VID from Electric Arguments by The Firemen as a coda to the Soup music. The song is titled Sing the Changes .

"Every Ladder leads to Heaven"

In the deepest darkness, the brightest light is found.

In this week’s soup are four ingredients. The first is ELEANOR RIGBY, but not the version you are familiar with. This rendition in by Sir Paul McCartney, live from England for a benefit, and is by far my favorite recording of this classic. It includes a stunning string quartet arrangement by a member or Borodin String Quartet. The power and intensity of this rendition is enormous. The song of course speaks to the loneliness that plagues mortal life.

The next is “Ricordo Di Henriette” by the great film composer Nino Rota, for “Casanova” directed by Federico Fellini. This is a MUST SEE film and a MUST HEAR soundtrack that stands alone as a great recorded work.

The next is Paul Simon’sLate Great Johnny Ace”. It speaks for itself.

Next is a tiny bit of audio glue by Dmitri Shostakovich from “The Execution of Stepan Razin” op. 119. Another piece I will feature in its entirety someday. The tiny bit I sampled is the sound of eternal and unstoppable HUMAN SPIRIT AND SOUL welling up from the depths.

That takes us into the closer “Only Mama Knows” by Paul McCartney.

BTW: I did answer the question that started this post, if only for those of you who are unusually perceptive.

All of this makes it's way into this week's soup. You can get your 15.2 Mb bowl of Saturday Night Soup by clicking the jukebox.


r. said...

'There are no accidents." I've read and heard that many times. Do you agree? Is everything consequential? Are we written in the stars? I do not know. But I do believe that we make our own destiny...

Good luck on your second chance, cuz in life, we don't get that very often. :-)

xo, r

r. said...

PS. It look friggin' cold there, and I hope you're wearing thermal undies... if any. :-)

T-Bird said...

PS reply

Robert has left a new comment on your post "Saturday Night Soup for the Soul (33)":

PS. It look friggin' cold there, and I hope you're wearing thermal undies... if any. :-)

Posted by Robert to . at January 8, 2009 9:43 AM

T-Bird said...

Not sure if it is "written in the stars". Perhaps or perhaps not.

But yes we DO make our own destiny and what happens to us - ourselves is always the 1st place to look for the answer to the one word question "Why?".