Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Age 19 or 20


Robert said...

Awh, very nice picture Wilhelm!! Now you'll have to tell your readers the story behind the picture! :-) heh!

d.K. said...


d.K. said...


Unknown said...

Lemmie see....

I see the young man in your eyes at 19 but seems a bit to politico.
Possibly 20...I

What was the question? Hey that's my scarf.

T-Bird said...

At this age I knew someone who was a photography buff (developed his own stuff). I had totally forgotten about this pic even existing. I uncovered it looking for a slide of Lonnie for this week’s soup. I only found an outtake of the pic I wanted. Damn...

But I did find this printed on postcard stock. My memory is vague on this one. I think he said “strike a pose” and he shot. He also did a short film study of me that I do not have (no...not THAT kind of film – though there is one of those too that I never want to see show up like an uninvited guest).

I actually was totally apolitical back then. No interest. I was into ART 110 percent.

Robert said...

Is your, ahem, 'other' film available anywhere for your audience's viewing pleasure? Netflix?

Oh you're just a tease Will! ehehe! xoxo

T-Bird said... are "baaaaad" (said in a falsetto à la Michael Jackson). I did poke around about a year ago when I saw some still clips by the same video maker from the same time frame. Did not see anything, which is just fine. It is probably floating about in some Hollywood closeted star’s private porno collection.