Sunday, May 10, 2020

"Ten Alone"

While nearing completion of this painting, I stepped back and looked at it and realized how disconnected the ten figures in this painting are. There is no interaction between any of them, and none of them relate to any of the others, in any way.

I then realized that's the way I kind of feel here in New Mexico. There are people around me, but I'm not relating to, or interacting with, any of them. And that's the sentiment that unconsciously comes through this painting and speaks to me.

"Ten Alone"
12" x 48"
Acrylic on Birch Wood

Alone, but not lonely, TONY


RIC said...

I wish you both, Tony and Will, a marvellous 2007! May all your best wishes come true!

T-Bird said...

Hey Ricky, thanks. I did the 12 grapes of the New Year’s countdown last night which is all a new tradition to me. Is this done in Portugal, too? Ate and drank waaaaay too much last night. Had someone following me to find the way home and took the freeway and they did not follow me. I was glad to see that they too made it home safely.